Monday, December 21, 2009

The Stanley Park Christmas Train.

The Vancouver Park Board and the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund had their twelfth annual "Bright Nights in Stanley Park." Over two million lights, animated displays, music, candy canes, hot chocolate, fresh popcorn, roasted chestnuts and even Santa Claus was there.

It was awesome. It was even more awesome seeing the wonder and excitement in Ryan's eyes. He loved every moment of it. I think if he could have stayed there all night he would have.

We went with our friends Michelle and Steve and their two daughters Katie and Sarah.

Can we not all look at the camera just once? Pretty please?

Ryan loved the massive Nutcracker display.

A happy little camper.

Katie and Ryan with Frosty.

Emma was wondering why loud Christmas music was playing instead of Mozart and why it was 5º when it was suppose to be around 18º.

Whoo, whoo!

Michelle and Katie.

Ryan and the Grinch.

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