Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas 2009.

Christmas 2009 had its ups and downs. Poor little Emma was sick for her very 1st Christmas. She started with a fever on Christmas Eve around 11:30 and then it just got worse after that... Not the nicest present from Santa Claus. Christmas Day was so chaotic with Little Em being grumpy and sick that we didn't take any photos :( We have video but it was taken on our video camera.

Christmas Eve, we had Shari and Terry over as well as our friends Mark, Chris and Megan for our Austrian Christmas dinner. We served schnitzel, potato salad, 'fridaten suppe' (crepes julienned in homemade chicken stock) and homemade apple crostatas for dessert served hot with ice cream. After dinner our friends Sharon and Warren joined us for dessert.

Ryan and Emmas tree. Decorated with all non-breakable ornaments and keepsakes from both of their 1st Christmases.

Our front living room.

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