Friday, December 18, 2009

Avocados and Bananas.

Exactly the same as Ryan. Damn! We thought that Emma was going to be the foodie in the family. She couldn't give a rats ass about anything but breast milk and the occasional Baby Mum Mum cracker. Maybe it's because both Emma and Ryan got their teeth in so darn fast. As of two days ago Emma is now the proud owner of four brand new teeth. Mushy cereal, fruit and veggies don't make sore itchy gums feel any better.

And yes, she dumped the entire bowl of avocados and bananas and then proceeded to dump another bowl of museli wheat cereal. We love you Em... You messy, messy little girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mama & Dada,
    Your little Emma sure knows what she likes & dislikes! I especially like the last photo of her with food smeared all over - ha ha! How exciting that Emma has FOUR little teeth out now. She must look even cuter when she smiles with teeth showing. Dad & I are really looking forward to enjoying Ryan and Emma's 1st Christmas with family.
    Much LOVE,
