Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ryan and Emmas visit with Santa.

Greg and I planned for the worst. First, wake up early... real early. Second, have enough coffee in us to keep us sane, but not insane. Third, wear layers. Forth, get to the mall when it opens at 9:30... even though Santa only arrives on his sleigh at 11:00 am (is that so the Advil can kick in after all his rum and egg nogs from last night?), Fifth, try not to walk too much slower than the mall walkers and Sixth, don't panic when you see someone already waiting in line at 10:00 am. WTF?

End result... Ryan was exceptional and only tried kissing about half the girls in the lineup... Emma blew raspberries and didn't break down even though her nap time was at 10:30. Greg bought the best char sui bau he's ever had... EVER... From Saint Germaine. They just came out of the oven... Too hot to even eat right away... So Greg was a happy camper. As for me... I got an awesome shot of both Ryan and Emma with Santa Claus. Merry 1st Christmas Little Em!

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