Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sunny day at Granville Island.

First sunny day in weeks... We went down to Granville Island and walked around the seawall, Ryan rode his bike, played at the playground and then we went to Earls for some lunch. Great day!

Started out at Bridges.

Had to hold onto Ryan's hood, Bridges patio was a sheet of ice.

Perfect day for pictures.

Ryan sizing up the cool bumpy boardwalk he was about to ride on...


Playground fun.

"No, I don't want to go."

Someone didn't want to leave the playground...

Big tears...

A face that makes a parent's heart melt.

Trying to explain why geese eat grass.

Trying to explain to Ryan why there was so much poop on the grass.

Look but please don't touch or chase for that matter.

Give me that thing.

Dad says,"Ryan, are you sleepy?" Ryan says,"No!"

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