Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spanish Banks with the Forrests.

We had a great Sunday with Don, Jess, Josh, Cole and Olivia. We went to Milestones for brunch and then headed down to Spanish Banks for a walk. It was overcast and a bit chilly but near the end the sun finally came out. Cole and Ryan got along like a house on fire.

The logs were a huge source of entertainment...

If we could only get both guys to look at the camera at the same time...

"Oh, Come on Cole looking at the camera is just want they want... Don't you know that if parents want you to do something they want, you should do the polar opposite?"

Buddies for life!

"You do it... No you do it... It's too cold to do it..."

Penny for your thoughts?

Two dudes.

"Enough pictures already... our butts are getting cold on this picnic table!"


Beautiful Baby Olivia.


Two hot babes.

Ryan up to monkey business amongst the leaves and thorns.

How to keep two toddlers from doing what they're not suppose to be doing... Tell them to "Push!"

Ryan and Cole getting a debriefing about staying out of the way of runners and cyclists... "Remember what I said Cole... Do the opposite."

Greg and Ryan enjoying the ducks.

Quack, quack, quack...

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