Thursday, January 28, 2010

Many Milestones!

It's been a week of major milestones for Emma. On the 18th she cut two more teeth giving her a total of six. Four on top and two on the bottom. There are two more bottom ones coming as well.

Emma wants grown up food. She also likes to feed herself. She adores avocado and likes it so much that she even let her Daddy feed it to her on a spoon last night. Her new favourite... She gobbled up about eight organic sweet potato oven fries. She also started drinking water from a sippy cup this week. Last week she starting giving kisses... Big wet open mouthed ones... I forgot how much I loved those from Ryan! She is just way too cute!

Emma has been standing up every now and then for the past two weeks but as of the 22nd she not only started standing up everywhere but she also started crawling. Yesterday she mastered the art of sitting down from the standing position and today she's even trying to get from couch to table and from table to toy. She's determined to catch up to her big brother and fast!

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