Thursday, November 19, 2009

Emma, the mirror and shiny things.

However tacky that big mirror we have in the kitchen is... We have some pretty great shots and fond memories of both kids in front of it. Emma was smittened with herself and squealed every time she touched 'The Other Emma'. Emma also loves shiny silver things... Hmmmm... Just like Mommy :)

Hey! What am I doing up here?

Are you looking at me?


Who's that?

Ooooh! I know!

These are my winter boots...

Those are my winter boots too?!

No way... There's two of me!

Mom... You didn't tell me there was two of me?!

Mmmmust touch shiny object...

Must taste this...

Three of me?

Hmmm... kinda looks like... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mama Kim & Dada Greg,
    What adorable, bright expressions on Emma's face, seeing herself in the mirror! Wow - she has a twin friend - tee hee! Great idea taking similar baby photos of Ryan & Em in same spot, meaningful memories indeed!
    Love from Dad & I,
