This year we went to The Pumpkin Patch at Richmond Farms to pick our pumpkins. Ryan's buddy Cole and his Dad Don joined us on a very sunny and warm October afternoon.
Ralph Lauren ad without the Ralph Lauren... LOL!
Ryan unusually sitting quietly and Cole ready to party...
OK, if Cole can do it... So can I. Both Ryan and Cole had a blast climbing over the hay barrels/seating at the concert stage.
Petting zoo at Richmond Farms... There were lamas, chickens, goats... oh my!
Cole with his Daddy Don on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch.
Ryan trying to figure out how he can be a monkey.
Waiting patiently...
"Come one Cole... Let's go!"
Emma wasn't too sure about the whole pumpkin patch thing. Safe and sound in Daddies arms.
They make pumpkins in my size?
Ryan, checking out all the pumpkins...
Hmmmm maybe I want this one?
Oh no! I broke it!
I think this is the one...
Absolutely wonderful group of photos with little friend Cole at Pumpkin Farm. I especially adore the one of Cole with his arm around Ryan, standing at the window - Aw-ww!