Monday, July 12, 2010

King George Park, Richmond.

Playground and waterpark all in one. We'll be having Ryan's 3rd birthday party here later this month.


Very cool climbing wall at the PG... Or maybe it's my love for typography?

Checking out her brother and boyfriend Cole.

He's so dreamy...

Best buddies...


This was the first real time Emma climbed around at a playground. She loved it!

Not as much as she loves her Daddy though! (She was totally giggling in this picture).

So much to discover...

My turn on the swings!


After the playground we all went over to the Forrests for a BBQ. The kids broke out the sidewalk chalk.

"Why does this stuff make such a mess?"

In deep concentration... Creating a masterpiece :)

Mmmmmmm... Bluuuueberrrrries!

See yah later alligator!

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