Sunday, June 27, 2010

My 39th Birthday.

Spent my birthday with my beloved family.

St. Honore from Sweet Obsessions! Mmmmmm... My fav!

My handsome dude and dudette.

Someones transfixed on the pyrotechnics!

"Hello? Come in Emma... Are you there?"

Ryan's devilish grin...

Help with blowing out my birthday candles...

Awe! Poor Emma... I think she wanted them to stay lit (Actually she hated the smoke in her face...).

You're not going to do it again are you?

Em's relaxed pose (too funny, she does this all the time)... Ryan's eagerness to help out so he can devour the chocolate on top :)

"This is the bestest chocolate ever!"

"Thanks Mama!"

A very chocolatey kiss from my son!


"Hey, wait a minute! Just give me all the topping Mama!".

Emma throws the ball down and says "Yeaaaaah!" Then starts clapping her hands. Too funny!

Em's Uncle Terry.

"What do you mean I can't give you a paper-cut on your nose with this pretty card?"

I can't believe I'm 39?! And my 3 year old son actually took this very picture of me... How cool is that?!

Yun-yun, Emma and Uncle Charles.

Must eat more chocolate...

How can I smile if I have all this chocolate in my mouth?!


Uncle Mark.

Emma blowing kisses with her Yeh-yeh.


Auntie Shari cutting the beautiful cake.

Yun-yun, Emma and Yeh-yeh.

Why do babies and toddlers love electronic devices so much?

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