Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day.

We went for a long walk in our neighbourhood... The Spring flowers are starting to come out... So beautiful especially the ones that grow randomly in peoples lawns...

We could take a thousand shots just of all the amazing trees in our neighbourhood. In the winter, they are like architectural masterpieces, in the fall, the trees are like they are on fire with all the colours they produce, in the spring, they bring us bright chartreuse buds and fresh leaves and in the summer when our windows are open, you can hear the leaves move, in a gentle almost rhythmic pattern, rustling with even the slightest ocean breeze.

Ryan taking after his Daddy and trying every challenging terrane with his beloved bike.

Scaling up the side of a root bound tree.

OK... What next...

At home sitting on the back deck.

Emma adores her big brother and loves being outside.

Wishing she was with her Daddy and big brother playing in the backyard...

Why can't I go back outside Mommy?

Just you wait... A few more weeks and I'll be running not just walking!

Little Miss Confident.

Little Miss Cutie Pie!

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