Monday, September 28, 2009

Little Sickie.

Poor little Emma has another cold. Late last night she started getting all stuffed up and today her little nose is runny and her eyes are all puffy and watery. She's still in her usual happy mood... Talking up a storm, smiling and blowing the occasional raspberry (She started those 3 days ago... so cute!).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Waterbabies Fall 2009.

All 4 Wongs were out this past Sunday for Ryan and Emmas waterbabies class. Ryan couldn't wait to get into the pool. Little Emma was a natural and started kicking her legs as soon as her toes touched the water.

Someones getting into trouble and getting an ear full from Dad. "Emma... Stop antagonizing your brother!"

"Come on Emma! Let's go!"

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit – Baby Edition 2009.

"The water noodles... Oh, how I love them."

"This is a fine specimen... Blue with no bites taken out of it."

"Oh no, you're not going to take away my water noodle! Nice try!"

"Whew! She's gone..."

"Did she really think that I was going to give up my beloved water noodle?!"

"Yes, I still love my two fingers!"

Daddy and baby Emma sharing some important cuddle time...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Crocs and area rugs don't mix.

Ryan got his very 1st bloody nose this past weekend. He ran to the big window in our TV room and his foot caught on our area rug and "Whamo!" right into the window ledge. He didn't even cry... Tough cookie!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kits playground and the French girls.

Ryan had a blast at the Kitsilano Community Centre's playground & waterpark yesterday. Lot's to do and lot's to see. He made friends with a couple very cute French girls. Mon Dieu!

Emma the happy little camper.

Emma was as usual a happy little camper after her bathtime on Sunday.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Ryan used to call pizza "Peetz!" He sounded like a true Italian. He can't get enough of it lately so due to Ryan's necessity and just plain desperation at times for it... He now says "Peetz-aaah"!

Emma's woobie.

Emma loves her two fingers. That's her "woobie".

Friday, September 4, 2009

Too much tummy time.

Emma knows how to roll from her tummy onto her back now but she hasn't mastered back to belly. She tried so hard today that she just gave up and decided to have a nap instead.