Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ryan's Playdough Masterpieces.

A Brown Cow, Red Giraffe and Green Elephant of course!

Cool Butterflies.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Emma's visit at BC Children's Hospital.

Luckily we have more happy shots of our stay than the unhappy ones. Emma had an oxygen mask for the first half of her stay but then after her not getting enough oxygen they had to put an oxygen nasal tube on her... Woah, I don't think I have or hopefully will ever hear her scream and cry that loud! Poor thing... It was administered at 3:00 am the evening before last. I had to keep her swaddled so she wouldn't rip it off. She cried herself to sleep in my arms. Brutal!

The next day a child care coordinator came by and asked what Emma's favourite thing was to play with... Water of course! And they made it happen! Shortly after they admitted us up into paediatrics. The room was large, with a crib and single bed, a beautiful view and not only a sink for Emma to play with water but our very own bathroom. Children's Hospital is amazing, the doctors, nurses, interns and staff all deserve medals. They're true heros.

Notes: Food wasn't half bad... Emma loved the beef and macaroni, mini carrot muffins and her new favourite... rice crispies with milk! She also learned 2 new words... "STUCK" and "NO" funny enough?! Wonder why... LOL!

They took us into Emergency immediately. Now the process begins of how to keep a 16 month old busy...

Fast asleep at around 2:00 am.

Fun time!

Emma is like new other than a snotty nose and a raspy cough. Children should be between 92-98 (resting/sleeping) and 95-98+ (healthy, active and awake). Emma was fluctuating between 85 to 89 three days ago and struggling with her breathing. She has a cold/virus and her little lungs just had a hard time fighting it off. Many parents know it as Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Ryan had this as well when he was little.

Room number 18 in BCCH Pediatrics. Great view!

Feeling much better at this point. Cruising around the room with her heart monitor still hooked up

Having a blast with the faucet in our room.

OK... Time to go home now... I miss my big brother...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camping at Nairn Falls.

Nairn Falls Provincial Park is located 20 minutes North of Whistler and 5 minutes away from Pemberton. We spent 3 nights there camping with the Forrests (Don, Jess, Josh, Cole and Olivia).

Emma on her first morning of camping... Where's the bacon and eggs!

Camping buddies...

Cole with stick...

Ryan with liquorice... Who's got the better end of the deal?

Have rocks, will throw...

Two little hotties... Ladies watch out!

The breakfast club!

Will they ever stop flirting with each other?

A picture speaks a thousand words...

Can you get any cuter Olivia!

"I think so... :)"

Daddy Don with Baby O.

Josh building a very cool fort...

Venturing into the unknown...

Nutty number 1 with nutty number 2!

Someone did something wrong...

I love you Daddy!

I love you too Emma!

Sweet dreams Ryan...

Sleeping peacefully.


Water fun in a rubbermaid pool!

Busy at work with her dirt and rocks...

Emma hanging out in Josh's fort made of branches and twigs.

What are you doing in there big brother?!

What is he talking about?!

One Mile Lake.

Happy Campers... Ryan...


and Emma!

Emma inspecting Joshes expert blowing up crocodile techniques.