Monday, August 24, 2009

Chaldecott Water Park.

Greg came home from work today around 2:30.We packed our bags, passed by Stong's market for some picnic grub and went to the waterpark for some fun.

Emma was talking up a storm in these shot's. She just loves the sun and laying on her tummy. Her expressions are so darn cute!

Ryan got a kick out of watering the pavement...

With some of Mom's assistance Emma was proudly sitting up like a big girl on her own.

Ryan got some extreme air today with his water splashing... Check out the second shot!

Beautiful trees at Chaldecott.

Little Miss Talk-alot.

Must have been all the fresh air... Emma was a happy camper at Chaldecott Park today. Lot's to say. Turn up the volume!

Very serious conversation with Omi.

Ryan had a lot to say to his Omi today. This conversation went on for ten minutes. I taped just over one minute of it... Sometimes I think Ryan's 2 going on 10.

This Summers Strawberries.

Some of you may remember Ryan adoring our small harvest of strawberries last year. This year we have half the amount due to the wicked winter we had that killed half of our little plants. Ryan sat in the sun savoring every bite.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cheering cousin Romi on at FemSport

Cousin Romi participated in FemSport 2009. Don, Jess, Cole, Ryan, Emma, Greg and I showed up to cheer her on. What a great day!

The Wong's.

Snack time... Homemade cookies!

Go Romi, GO!

Getting congratulated...

Cutest couple ever!

Nice abs Romi!

Dad lifting over 60 lbs of weight himself.

Don and Cole checking out the festivities...

Dad... What is that thing with all the legs and arms?

OK, I will take the free red water bottle from you... But just don't get too close to me... Weirdo.


Tee, hee. hee... And weeeeeeeeeeee some more!

Come on Cole!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Both didn't have their naps until the late afternoon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emma being Emma.

Wednesday stroll through Kits.

Greg, Ryan, Emma and I went for a walk this afternoon. Poor little Emma started teething 3 days ago... All fingers in her mouth and the drooling started today...

And so it begins... You should hear her when she does this hand-sucking... So vocal for having so much in her mouth.

"I think I'm getting pooped... Enough of the photos, please!"

Nap time!

The tree lined streets in our neighborhood have some of the nicest trees in Vancouver. Check out this cool looking peeling bark tree on Mackenzie Street.