Monday, July 27, 2009

Emma's Tummy Time.

Emma's most happy when she can check out everything that's going on around her. She has a certain look of confidence.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Party.

Ryan had a blast with all his friends over celebrating his 2nd birthday. It was another 30ยบ day so lot's of backyard fun in the water. We had BBQ'd mini hamburgers, mini chicken souvlaki and asian prawn satays followed by mocha chocolate cupcakes and monkey cake of course! Thank you to everyone who came out and for all the great gifts. Ryan's a very lucky little boy.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan!

Happy Birthday Ryan! We had a great dinner at Golden Ocean followed by some birthday cake back at our home.

Uncle Ernie and Uncle Charles gave Ryan some really wonderful books. The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter and 6 Classic Walt Disney books...

Omi gave Ryan the coolest card ever. An ocean of fish lit up by pressing a single button... Ryan LOVED IT... It had some money enclosed for lot's of fall and winter clothes... Thanks Omi!

Mama and Dada bought Ryan a few Thomas the Train additions including: The Water Tower, Max, Monty and Edward. Yeh-yeh and Yun-yun bought Ryan a very cool outfit from The Gap for this Fall/Winter (A cozy chocolate brown stripped hoodie, matching t-shirt, thermal long sleeve shirt and khaki's) (not shown here).

Dada bought Ryan something else especially from him... At first he didn't want to have anything to do with the strangely wrapped present (presents are square and rectangular of course)... Then Greg said "Unwrap a wheel... he'll get excited when he sees it". Woah! Did he ever... I couldn't unwrap it fast enough... All we heard was "Mama open... open!"

Hmmmm... Not too sure about this one Mama... No way... Not interested in the least!

Oh?! What's this?

The tire reveal...

"Open... open... open Mama... open..."

I thought I was going to cut myself I was going so fast... Who wrapped this present anyways... Use enough ribbon?!

And just like a pro he got up onto that seat... (Hmmmm... Wonder where he got it from?)

And rode off... Pretty cool!

Ryan really enjoyed blowing his candles out this year... After he blew each one out he followed it by a great big "Yeah!"

Mmmmm... Chocolate Mocha Torte with raspberries!